How to increase your VO2Max for a longer lifespan

Sam’s bi-weekly newsletter - Edition 04 - January 16th, 2024

One learning/discovery

Cardiorespiratory fitness is inversely associated with long-term mortality with no observed upper limit of benefit. 

This is the conclusion of a study that was conducted with 122,000 patients to compare their all mortality risks to their cardiovascular fitness levels (measured as VO2Max). 

Higher VO2Max, lower mortality rate

Click on the image to read the complete study.

The biggest reduction in mortality rate is seen between the low cardiovascular fitness group and the below average group. You don’t need to be elite level to start reaping the benefits of an increased VO2Max.

One question

What can I get excited about today (or this week)? 

If you ever go through a difficult period where life doesn’t seem all that exciting (don’t we all go through these periods?), ask yourself this question every morning. It helps to focus your attention on the positive in your life. 

Keep it simple. I sometimes answer that I’m excited to sit down in front of our fireplace and relax after a long day.

One workout

When it comes to longevity, my go-to resource is Peter Attia. To increase your VO2Max, he suggests doing a 4x4 protocol once per week.

Here are the guidelines:

  1. Perform 4 minutes at max effort of any aerobic exercise

  2. Recover for 4 minutes

  3. Repeat 4 times

The aerobic exercise you choose has to significantly increase your heart rate and you have to be able maintain a max effort for 4 minutes. I think the best options for this protocol are a bike (airbike, spinning bike, etc.) or a run. 

It’s painful, but worth the longevity benefits.

PS. Want more frequent advice on health, mindset, and personal growth? Follow me on Instagram.


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