The 13 Best Recovery Tools and Massage Devices For a Healthy Body

I did over 50,000 burpees to prepare for my first world record (I succeeded and completed 5234 burpees in 12 hours) and over 35,000 burpees to prepare for my second world record (I failed to complete 1010 burpees in 1 hour). 

Through it all, I experienced pretty much every minor injury in the book. Below you’ll find the 13 tools that I used to heal quickly and stay healthy.

If your muscles ever get sore from hard training sessions or if you ever have muscle tensions, the tools below will help you recover faster and stay healthy. 

How would I know? Well, I own every single item suggested below. I’ve built a full library of recovery tools over the years and each serves a different purpose. 

Recovery and Massage Tools Under 100$

Pso-Rite Psoas Muscle Release Tool

To keep things simple, your psoas are long muscles that connect your torso to your lower body. Their main function is to pull your legs toward your torso and they play an important role in having a good posture. 

Taking care of our psoas muscles is critical, especially considering our lifestyle. Our bodies weren’t meant for sitting all day, and yet most of us spend the majority of our day sitting. Your psoas may tighten up from forming a 90 degree angle at your hips - when sitting. This may cause aches, most frequently back aches.

If you analyze the movement of a burpee, you’ll notice the psoas muscles are constantly working. These muscles were the primary aches I felt during my world record attempts. And that’s where the Pso-Rite comes in. 

This U-shaped plastic tool allows you to target precise areas of tightness in your psoas. Quite honestly, I’ve tried everything and nothing compares to how effective this tool is. 

Back Buddy Elite Trigger Point Massage Elite 

The Back Buddy Trigger Point Massage Tool is designed to relieve tripper points, knots, and muscle tension in various points of the body, particularly the neck and back.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t reach very far to release trigger points in my back using my hands. The Back Buddy Elite is a game-changer. It allows you to target precisely in hard to reach areas.

Acupressure Mat and Pillow

Acupressure mats help with pain relief, muscle relaxation, increased blood flow, and may even improve sleep. 

If you have tightness in your back or neck, I highly recommend giving one of these mats a try. Lay down on it for a few minutes and notice an immediate improvement. 

Heads up: The spikes on the mat do surprise you every time you lie on them because they’re quite rigid, but they’re worth the few uncomfortable minutes.

Foot Star Spiky Foot Massager & Roller Ball

Our feet are literally the foundation on which we stand. Some people feel pain in their knees, hips, and lower back as a result of issues with their feet. Taking care of our feet is critical, and this spiky foot massage ball allows you to do just that, in a few minutes. 

I have three of these balls, one in my home-gym, one in my home-office and one at the office. That’s how much I enjoy them. 

Massage Lacrosse Ball for Myofascial Release

The lacrosse ball comes in handy to target very precise areas pretty much anywhere on your body. I use the spiky ball above for anything feet related, and this lacrosse ball for the rest of my body. 

Here’s a great example of how to use the lacrosse ball to release trigger points (from Kelly Starrett, who’s my go-to resource for all things pre-hab/re-hab): 

Trigger Point GRID Foam Roller

I don’t think I need to explain this one, it’s such a popular tool. One discovery I made while playing around with a foam roller however is to add lateral movement. 

For instance, I used to roll my quads vertically for years. I now also move my quads from side-to-side on the foam roller. This significantly improves the results I get from foam rolling

Heating Pad  

Heat promotes muscle relaxation, increases blood flow, and reduces stiffness.

Working on our bodies can be time-consuming. I love this tool because it doesn’t require any time commitment. Turn the heater on and position it on a tight area while watching TV or while working at your desk. 

Massage Cupping Therapy Sets

Cupping therapy has been used for centuries in various cultures. The practice involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The main benefit is an increase in blood flow, which promotes healing because the blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients to your injury. 

It may also help remove toxins and waste products from the body. The suction mobilizes blood and lymphatic flow, assisting in the elimination of metabolic waste.

Full disclaimer, there are experts out there with formal training on how to use cupping therapy. When I was desperate however, I decided to buy this affordable set to try it myself. I’m blown away by how effective it is at releasing muscle tension. 

I typically apply the cups on and around tight areas for 10 to 15 minutes and notice a significant improvement the following day. 

Heads up: If you give these a try, you will bruise. You can’t say I didn’t warn you!

Muscle Floss Bands - Also known as compression or voodoo bands

The muscle floss bands are great at releasing muscle tension and reducing aches we feel in and around joints, particularly the ankles, knees, and elbows. They also help improve range of motion of joints. 

When I can’t figure out what’s wrong with my body, this is my go to tool. It’s sort of a seek and destroy that releases a whole lot of tension. 

Another benefit is the increased blood flow once you release the band. The increased blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients to your injury.

Built to Move: The Ten Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully by Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett 

Tools are only as useful as the use you make of them. This book is a gem, I can’t recommend it enough. There are specific exercises to improve pain we feel in specific body parts. There are also recommendations for a holistic approach to living a healthy life. 

What I most enjoyed about this book is its simplicity. Most health books are overly complex and hard to implement, not this one. 

Recovery and Massage Tools Over $100

Muscle Scraper Tools Set - also called Gua Sha

Much like the muscle floss, the muscle scraper increases blood flow, hence increasing the oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles. It does so differently however, it breaks down old blood vessels, which encourages your body to generate new ones, enhancing blood flow. 

I bought Sidekick’s muscle scraper kit. I really like their gel, which I apply before scraping my muscles. However, there are more affordable options on Amazon such as this 3 in 1 tool set for $58 and this muscle scraper for $26 (which is the tool I use the most out of the bundle I got).

Deep Tissue Percussion Massage Device

Percussion massage devices have become very popular for their benefits amongst athletes of all levels. They’re now part of many athletes’ warm up routines. The main benefits are: 

  • Muscle activation

  • Reduced muscle tightness and soreness

  • Improved blood circulation 

I bought the RENPHO Powerful Muscle Massage Device and I’m happy with it considering how affordable it is (a little over $100). However, I do sometimes regret not getting a higher-quality model such as the Theragun PRO massage device. 

I tried the Theragun after having bought my RENPHO, and I see a significant difference in the strength and speed of the device. I find it quicker to release muscle tension with one of the premium models.  


PowerDot TENs muscle stimulator - Therabody

TENs Muscle Stimulator

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low-voltage electrical currents for pain relief and muscle relaxation. It also prompts blood circulation.  

I bought the COMPEX SP 8.0 a few years ago and I only use it when I’m preparing for a world record. If I were to buy one today, I would opt for a more affordable option such as the PowerDot 2.0 muscle stimulator from Therabody. 


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